Mr. Carlos GHOSN was installed as the new CEO at Nissan, rather than as its troubleshooter, and the company's chief designer, Mr. Shiro NAKAMURA, was headhunted from Isuzu Motors. These two events served to turn (the quest for) a managerially strategic design into a pivotal issue. Initially, GHOSN's Revival Plan called for a policy competition among several national and international corporations. This was followed by a design competition, and despite a number of convolutions, the commission eventually came to PAOS. PAOS developed design and management systems for a basic VIS system that would be deployed in Japan, the US, Europe and later China and the combined success of Nissan's various policies guided the company to a spectacular rebirth.
The brand insignia is given pole position in the vehicle development process, too.
Company stationery
Creating the basic format for the tag line
Standardizing the VI across Japan, the US and Europe was essential to NISSAN VI. The management system was also streamlined and clarified.
Application design played a significant part in the development of company signage.