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PAOS' track record in public agency innovation:Kanagawa Prefectural Government

Logomark Kanagawa Prefectural Government

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Trade name
: Kanagawa Prefectural Government
Project start date
: 1981
Presentation date
: 1983
: Akihiro AKIYAMA, Takao SAGO

The first local authority to introduce CI. Improves communication and public hearing competence.

"Kanagawa Identity – KI", the project christened by the prefecture's then governor, Mr. Kazuji NAGASU, commenced with a question: "As an economist I have no answer when asked: 'I understand the importance of design, but why should funds be allocated to it?'" The installation of a design policy research commission that came with the amalgamation of industry and government inspired the Kanagawa government to think about what design could do for the prefecture and was a unique experiment in Japan. PAOS was asked to get involved in the commission and to undertake the task of researching and analyzing the existing prefectural design. Establishing KI was identified as the ultimate goal of developing a design policy, and PAOS constructed theories on what this identity would mean to the local government and to Kanagawa prefecture itself and put forward concrete design proposals. A program to enhance knowledge of annual bulletins was undertaken for press office personnel in this prefecture, where personnel reshuffling is a frequent occurrence, and the advisor system under which output from the press office is subject to professional guidance turned into a long-term venture.

Mr. Kazuji NAGASU was the most enthusiastic champion of KI (Kanagawa Identity) and had the deepest insight into the project.

The designs of the three prefectural symbols: a seagull, ginkgo (maidenhair tree) and mountain lily, were reviewed and revamped.

Government bureaucrats are moved around at regular intervals; to prevent confusion among bureaucrats on their first press office assignment, the design work for all prefectural publications was standardized and formatted.

Training materials for press office personnel

Signage inside prefectural government buildings was completely revamped when the prefectural police department decamped to a purpose-built headquarters.

Application design meets stationery

Japan's first CI project for a local authority progressed remarkably quickly, but the governor gave the green light to all proposals and developments occurred thick and fast.

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